Saturday, January 12, 2019

Day 197, Part 1: McDonald's Ho!

It was comforting when we left this morning to not be in the rain. We pulled out from Anita's house after our goodbyes at about 7:40. Just a few minutes later, at 7:52, the first couple of drops fell on my jacket. But this is the part of the world where a rain forecast might be five hundredths of an inch in an hour, and we made it another hour and a half before having any problem with the drops again.
Anita and Archie

There were even brief moments with sunshine, causing our hopes to rise. But as we got higher up, we ran into the rain. It's just a slight rain falling now at about 3,900 feet. Roger needs to charge his Garmin watch! So we pulled into a Starbucks, where we are watching the weather and hoping for a brief break.
Not looking good

We nearly fell over getting into the parking lot. He came at it with a little bit too much angle, and it was very slick, and it had one of those bumps, and the bike truly did tip over but we both pulled our right legs out and caught it before we fell! Crazy.

Anyway, with the weather being even worse on the other side of the pass, no one is coming to meet us at the McDonalds. So we're spending a little bit more time here, making this our stop. That way we won't have to get off once we are on the interstate. We'll just stay on through the two exits until we can get off at Cleghorn. No McDonald's for us!
Joshua tree

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