Saturday, August 20, 2016

120: Watch out for Johnny Law

We had our first brush with the law today!  We were on US 15, which was at that point one of the "limited access" highways.  We heard a voice from behind, "riders, please exit the highway" - whoops!  We were at our exit anyway, which was a good thing, because it turns out that you cannot ride a bike in Pennsylvania on a limited access highway. He just wanted to warn us - and of course he had to enter in his computer that he had done so.  So forewarned is forearmed, I guess!

I discreetly snapped this selfie while he was back at the car
We stopped in at a bike store to buy some more shorts. Chamois butter also. There are some things that are just wearing out faster than I ever thought they would!  We also are finding that we really want a third pair since we are doing more hotel and less Warm Showers, which reduces our ability to use a washing machine. Sometimes they don't dry overnight. This has particularly been a problem while it's been so muggy of late. And it's not likely to get any better as we head south.

Dinner tonight - a "hot pocket" snack and some chocolate milk. The pizza delivery guy was supposed to come to the campground but he dissed us. He said he called, but you know - phones today will let you know if you have missed a call so I don't think so. And so, at 9:08, that's what the little camp store had on offer.  Well, as Crocodile Dundee said, "you can live on it, but it tastes like . . . "!

Nice old tandem hanging in the bike shop
We are expecting rain tomorrow - there is a 97% chance by 2:00 pm - so perhaps that will cool things off a little. Or just make it steamier. We'll see.

The day's report:  York to Gettysburg, 35 miles/5723 to date

Here's the route:  To Gettysburg


  1. Did you explore Gettusburg history? I lived a few miles away in Waynesboro back in the early 90's

  2. Did you explore Gettusburg history? I lived a few miles away in Waynesboro back in the early 90's


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