Sunday, August 28, 2016

128: Gotta get a move on before the sun . . .

Morning comes, and we are already on the road
We had a longer route planned today (72 miles), and we wanted to get as many miles in as possible before it got really hot, so we pulled out early - before 7:00 am. The strategy worked. We were done with the ride just after 2:00 pm today. But that came at a cost - we hadn't really had a lunch stop. So quick showers, then over to the Mexican restaurant for some dinner and a beer. I was pleasantly surprised with the food - one doesn't necessarily expect to find good Mexican food in Virginia!

Kudzu "monsters"
We have entered a zone where the kudzu-monsters roam. I didn't expect to see kudzu here, but it's apparently all over the southeastern states.  I had to Google it to learn that there are actually a number of uses for it: grazing, herbal medicine, even food in Asian countries. But out here, it just grows over everything and eventually, the trees underneath can die due to lack of sun. Anyway, we always called the resulting shapes and forms "monsters" - so here is a kudzu-monster for you!

Not a particularly scenic part of the ride
For the sake of expediency, we stayed close to the I-81 corridor today. So from time to time, we were just riding on the access road or old highway adjacent to the freeway.

We are also jumping on and off the US Bicycle Route 76. This one is named for the year that it was inaugurated, when the first transcontinental bike tour was done by the founders of Adventure Cycling.

The day's report:  Christianburg to Marion, 71.3 miles/6107 to date
The original transcontinental route

Today's route

Pretty fabulous!

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