Thursday, May 5, 2016

11: And on the eleventh day, they rested

Steve and Brielle, Roger and Kathy hang with the hipsters
It was such a pleasure to spend a day with our friends Steve and Brielle. Just sleeping in the same bed two nights in a row was a treat! We were able to take care of some laundry, pack and re-pack our bags yet again, and deal with some issues on the bike.  I caught up with correspondence and we had a wonderful meal at home, sitting at a table!  

We determined that we should have another rest day before we go another 10 days on the bike!

Steve helped Roger get the packs ready when we it was time to go, 

and escorted us through the neighborhood,

and over the Dumbarton Bridge.  That was a moment I will always remember.


  1. Great that you saw Steve & Brielle. Our middle daughter lived in their cottage for 3 months last summer while attending an institute for data sciences.

  2. So very wonderful to see them. We are hoping that our path will cross yours, as well!


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