Sunday, July 17, 2016

85: Saturday morning coffee club

Roger and cousin Jacque out for a spin
We left Jacque and Ed after a great breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast, and headed off to resume our journey. 
Traverse Bay

They had given us the locals' route south and east, and these roads were perfect. In fact, it was all perfect. The sky was clear and the temperature ideal - starting around 60 and never above 85 today. Light or no winds, pretty scenery and fresh legs after our day off the bike gave us wings. Or sort of. We still just averaged 12.6 mph, but since we had some 2500 feet of climbing over the day, we felt pretty good about that.

Goodbye to cousin Jacque

We got to the town where we planned to take a break, and all we found was the gas station/grocery store.  I suggested we might find a cherry danish if we selected the grocery, and we did.  They had a deli counter and some tables, and a couple of gents were having a cup of coffee.  Roger asked the deli staff how to get a cup, and she said, 'just help yourself.' So he asked 'where do we pay for it?' And she says it's free if you drink it here! So I went over to the register to pay for our turnovers, and we sat and ate them with our coffee. 
Free coffee!
Frank, Web and Bob are free coffee regulars
The three fellows were interested in our journey and even came out with us to see the bike. So here's to having a cup of coffee, free or otherwise, with your buddies on Saturday morning.  I can't think of anything nicer to do!

We enjoyed a nice stretch of the White Pine trail today. It was just beautiful.  
White Pine trail

Alas, it headed south when we needed to go east, so we also did a section of a rather more busy road. And then we were back on the Adventure Cycling route! 

We felt good enough at our lunch break that we decided to go a bit farther today than we had planned. We ended up in a campground at the Muskogee River. 
Do you think they mean us?

Our dinner was at the nearby Buck Wild Bar. Trust me when I say that the pizza was delicious, 
Crazy good pizza
we asked for (and got) a little off-menu green salad, and John Belushi and Dan Ackroyd would have been right at home here.  
Hey, it's food, right?

The place looked just like the set from that great scene in 'The Blues Brothers.'  Except, as Roger said, "they don't have the cage in front of the performers." By the way, you can get any vegetable you want as long as it's white and will go into the deep fryer!  
Menu options at Buck Wild Bar

The day's report: Traverse City to Temple, 85.5 miles/4207 to date

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